상변선생 수능완성 변형문제 연재 (1) (2) 재업
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6p (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은? 1)
Children need our understanding of their complicated emotional lives and a constant regard for the moral issues that ① come their way as soon as they are old enough to play with others in the nursery, the backyard, and the schoolroom. They need to ② be told what they must and must not do. They need control over themselves and a sense of ③ which others are entitled to from them─cooperation, thoughtfulness, an attentive ear and eye. They need discipline to tame their excesses of emotion and also discipline connected to stated and clarified moral values. They need, in other words, something to believe in ④ that is larger than their own appetites and urges and, yes, bigger than their “psychological drives.” They need a larger view of the world, a moral context, as it ⑤ were─a faith that addresses itself to the meaning of this life we all live and, soon enough, let go of.
10p 다음 밑줄 친 one이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은? 2)
It is necessary to be objective about games─to play every ① one as though it were ② one’s last, seriously, with purpose, at full alert. The point of games is to propel oneself into a more intense mode of being. Not to play hard is to kill time. To concentrate on the game is, in a sense, to be indifferent about ③ one’s opponent or oneself. It is to refuse to be distracted by wayward passions. If an opponent plays unfairly, the sweetest revenge is not revenge but victory; ④ one avoids striking back in kind in order to concentrate on the one thing necessary: perfect execution. Concentration on the game itself is the best safeguard against indulgence in ugly, errant passions. It is the highest form of sportsmanship. It is not so much a moral as an ontological attitude. ⑤ One is not trying to “be good,” but to act perfectly.
12p (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은? 3)
Digestive disturbances usually arise from a reaction to the foods we have eaten, but foods are not always the cause. Many factors influence how our bodies process food and grab those needed nutrients; food allergens are an example, as (A) [do / are] reactions to processed items in our foods such as food colorings and artificial flavors. Additionally, emotional attitude and illness can handicap our ability to properly digest food; think of the women suffering from eating disorders, (B) [who / which] fail to properly digest their food because of social pressures and nervous disorders that critically need professional treatment. Stress also plays a huge part in a person’s inability to properly digest food. It has (C) [shown / been shown] to cause problems not only on the stomach lining, but also to skin conditions.
12p 다음 밑줄 친 it이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은? 4)
If parents are always telling a kid that he is stupid, and then something happens to fit into that belief, such as getting an “F” on a test, he may think something like, “They must be right. I’m stupid.” That belief gets reinforced. Once ① it is fixed and becomes a pattern, then even when something comes along that contradicts ② it, such as getting an “A,” the kid may think something like, “Oh, that was just pure luck,” and forget about ③ it. So once that belief is fixed, no matter what comes along, it confirms ④ it. No matter what comes along, those kids will still think they are stupid and act as if they really are. The world then reacts to them accordingly, which, in turn, reinforces ⑤ it. A negative thinking cycle develops. This is what moves children away from recognizing their natural state.
12p 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? 5)
Medical history uncovers an obvious pattern in the discovery and application of drug treatments. Initially, there is great excitement about a new drug’s discovery.
(A) Then, more research and clinical experience lead to more serious questions about the drug’s real safety and efficacy, until there is general acknowledgment that the drug doesn’t work as well as previously assumed, and there is recognition of an increasingly long list of serious side effects over time.
(B) However, these problems are not really problems because a new drug emerges, with short-term research that suggests it is a better drug after all. That is, until new research confirms that it is neither as effective nor as safe as previously thought.
(C) Research has seemingly proven its safety and efficacy and leads to widespread appreciation for the drug’s ability to provide relief. Over time, there are minor concerns about the drug’s side effects, until more research and clinical practice uncover more serious concerns about its side effects.
① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)
③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
0 XDK (+0)
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