곤곤곤 [529107] · MS 2014 · 쪽지

2014-11-19 22:09:04
조회수 255

[영어] 3.주제

게시글 주소: https://spica.orbi.kr/0005084578

From the 20th century until now, competitiveness is usually defined by how many languages one can fluently speak. 'Globalisation' has certainly become a popular term that is placed almost everywhere: global leader, global standards, global mind and even global food. But what does it actually mean? Surely a global leader wouldn't be someone reigning Earth and surely a global standard wouldn't mean the average of the world (which would be usually pretty low considering numbers of undeveloped countries). Globalisation means the integration of many different parts of a nation such as economic, financial, trade and communication. In order to achieve this, the first thing to do is to gain competitiveness, in the end, as many languages as possible. The ultimate way to integrate is to have a connection of conversation which comes way before technical or monetary associations.

.1. How we see globalisation
.2. The widespread meaning of globalisation
.3. Becoming competitive in all fields of work
.4. The influence of language in the contemporary society
.5. The importance of language in globalisation


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