4모 영어 32번 변증법
4월 모의고사 32번도 같이 살펴보겠습니다.
2020 고3 9월
33. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Since human beings are at once both similar and different, they should be treated equally because of both. Such a view, which grounds equality not in human uniformity but in the interplay of uniformity and difference, builds difference into the very concept of equality, breaks the traditional equation of equality with similarity, and is immune to monist distortion. Once the basis of equality changes so does its content. Equality involves equal freedom or opportunity to be different, and treating human beings equally requires us to take into account both their similarities and differences. When the latter are not relevant, equality entails uniform or identical treatment; when they are, it requires differential treatment. Equal rights do not mean identical rights, for individuals with different cultural backgrounds and needs might ___________________________________
in respect of whatever happens to be the content of their rights. Equality involves not just rejection of irrelevant differences as is commonly argued, but also full recognition of legitimate and relevant ones.
*monist: 일원론의 **entail: 내포하다
① require different rights to enjoy equality
② abandon their own freedom for equality
③ welcome the identical perception of inequality
④ accept their place in the social structure more easily
⑤ reject relevant differences to gain full understanding
작년 국어
㉠정립-반정립-종합. 변증법의 논리적 구조를 일컫는 말이다.
변증법에 따라 철학적 논증을 수행한 인물로는 단연 헤겔이
거명된다. 변증법은 대등한 위상을 지니는 세 범주의 병렬이
아니라, 대립적인 두 범주가 조화로운 통일을 이루어 가는
수렴적 상향성을 구조적 특징으로 한다.
Since human beings are at once both similar and different, they should be treated equally because of both.
키워드 human beings
속성1: at once both similar and different 같으면서 다르다
속성2: they should be treated equally because of both.
패턴: 인과관계
사람은 같으면서 다르기에 --> 평등하게 대접받아야 한다.
Equality involves equal freedom or opportunity to be different, and treating human beings equally requires us to take into account both their similarities and differences.
평등함은 평등한 자유 또는 다를 기회를 포함한다 그리고 인간을 평등하게 다루는 건 우리에게 유사성과 차이점을 동시에 고려할 것을 요구한다.
Equal rights do not mean identical rights, for individuals with different cultural backgrounds and needs might ____________________________________ in respect of whatever happens to be the content of their rights.
① require different rights to enjoy equality
평등함을 즐기기 위해 다를 권리를 요구한다.
이번 4모
32. When you are born, your neocortex knows almost nothing. It doesn’t know any words, what buildings are like, how to use a computer, or what a door is and how it moves on hinges. It has to learn countless things. The overall structure of the neocortex is not random. Its size, the number of regions it has, and how they are connected together is largely determined by our genes. For example, genes determine what parts of the neocortex are connected to the eyes, what other parts are connected to the ears, and how those parts connect to each other. Therefore, we can say that the neocortex is structured at birth to see, hear, and even learn language. But it is also true that the neocortex doesn’t know what it will see, what it will hear, and what specific languages it might learn. We can think
of the neocortex as starting life ____________________________
but knowing nothing in particular. Through experience, it learns a rich and complicated model of the world.
* neocortex: (대뇌의) 신피질
① having some built-in assumptions about the world
② causing conflicts between genes and environments
③ being able to efficiently reprocess prior knowledge
④controlling the structure and processing power of the brain
⑤fighting persistently against the determined world of genes
When you are born, your neocortex knows almost nothing. It doesn’t know any words, what buildings are like, how to use a computer, or what a door is and how it moves on hinges. It has to learn countless things.
키워드 your neocortex
속성1 knows almost nothing
패턴: 작가의 선택: It has to learn countless things. 많이 배워야 한다.
속성2 The overall structure of the neocortex is not random. Its size, the number of regions it has, and how they are connected together is largely determined by our genes.
갑자기 전반적인 구조는 무작위 적이지 않다.
패턴: 인과관계: 유전자가 결정한다 사이즈, 구역들의 수, 어떻게 연결될지를
유전자 --> 어떻게 연결될지를
(원인) (결과)
Therefore, we can say that the neocortex is structured at birth to see, hear, and even learn language.
태어날 때 보는법, 듣는법, 언어를 배우는 것을 알고 있다.
But it is also true that the neocortex doesn’t know what it will see, what it will hear, and what specific languages it might learn.
그러나 동시에 또한 무엇을 볼지, 무엇을 들을지 어떤 특정 언어를 배울지는 알 수 없다.
We can think of the neocortex as starting life _________________________ but knowing nothing in particular.
① having some built-in assumptions about the world
무언가 내장된 가정(이미 알고 있다.) 동시에 특정한 것을 모른다(알고 있지 않다.)
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